It happened !!!!
One of the Little Women had her Birthday !!!
Bring on
the dishes, teacups and freshly brewed tea and coffee and take a seat ! And oh , don't forget the baked goodies because you're in for a treat !!!❤
The morning dawned and brought a beautiful sun along!
What a perfect day to do a
What a perfect day to do a
''Birthday Breakfast in The Garden''
Before anyone was up, the youngest of The Little Women sneaked downstairs and sorted through stacks of plates and cups until she found the perfect ones without waking anyone through the clatter that could be heard !
Add tiny teaucups with a romantic flowerprint, a lace table cover and a row of fresh flowers and...
The basics were on !
Strips of lace were put up on the ceiling to create a festive touche for the Birthday Lady !
But before the Birthday Lady comes in let's put on some music !
On the Menu;
Made by the Birthday Lady herself :
'' Lemon-Poppy Cake ''
Elegant small glasses filled with orange juice and a sugared rim only added to the sweetness of the day!
See the sun flittering beautifully across the table ?!
What a perfect day !!!
Doesn't these tiny '' Tea -Cakes '' look adorable?!
Made by the Birthday Lady herself !
These Tea Cakes are made without eggs, milk, butter or gluten! Even without these ingredients these Tea Cakes are so delicious ! They taste even better after a few days !
Look at that tiny Tea Cake with the candle ! ;-)
Drum roll please !!! Here she comes !!!
Get that confetti ready !!!
Doesn't this picture capture the honestly surprised and happy look on her face?!
The first sleepy picture of the day! ;-)
Bluebarb Crunch with a dallop of Whipped Cream !
Opening a few presents from the Family
My Little Present ! I made her a Wish Catalog full of pictures that she likes !
Who remembers the Waltons looking in the Wish Catalog ?!
I had so much fun putting this together !
A very thoughtfull and sweet gift from our sweet friends in England !!!
Ofcourse I had to make the yearly Birthday Pictures!!!
Enjoy !
And she lived happily ever after !
Love and Blessings,
Three Little Women
Thank you Melodie !!!